
Thursday, March 28, 2019

Day 313 Merritt Island 3rd Day Thursday March 28, 2019

Day 313 Merritt Island 3rd Day Thursday March 28, 2019

The night time was again mild and cooled nicely for sleeping. The wind continued to howl - but a little less in the night and through the day. The sun was out.   Temperatures in the mid 70s

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Today was a good stay put day as the winds as predicted rattled in the sailboat masts and shook the trees once again.  The sun was out so that was a pleasant change from yesterday.

The ladies went to the grocery store and Jim and I worked on his generator that had not been started in 4 years. After finding out how to bleed the fuel system it finally started but shut down soon as no water was coming out the exhaust.  So we found the water pump and discovered the water pump impeller had been destroyed. We did find a new one and will pick up tomorrow. So it was a good day with the promise of actually getting it to run.

As we were not out playing much the pictures are limited. But it was interesting to see the great number of young people coming in going all day in kayaks and knee boats (you kneel in them - oh my back!).  The interesting thing is we heard a great number of different languages. - not sure what the reason is but there was a large number coming an going all day.

We did find time for an afternoon game of Mexican Train. It is now tied at 2 games a piece. It is a lot of fun.

Faye made a wonderful dinner of baked Red Snapper and rice and green beans and cauliflower  - yum times three!!

After dinner we played Heads Up - game like PassWord that I think the old folks will remember. You use the phone to display names or things (you hold the phones so you can't see the screen) to your partner and they have to give you hints to guess it.

The Admirals had a great time as you can see.

And with all the hollering and banging, Rock the Wonder Dog (RWD) was able to find a spot to sleep.

And since there are not many photos and/or excitement today, I will give you a link to see Catherine - Zeta O'Blenis' (this is the Admiral's stage name) acting debut. Back at Longboat Key some folks asked if we would assist with making an instructional video of the USCG on Navigation. And here it is!!!!!!

Navigation with GPS - Starring Catherine Zeta O'Blenis

As you can see above RWD is ready for bed so it must be time to say ........................

Good Night and May God Bless

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