
Friday, July 19, 2019

Day 7 DEYC 2019 Cruise Northeast Harbor Day 3 Friday July 19, 2019

Day 7 DEYC 2019 Cruise Northeast Harbor Day 3 Friday July 19, 2019

The night was cool - great for sleeping - and I did - and the sun returned nicely this morning. The wind came up from the SW at 10kts   Temperatures in the mid 70s

Another perfect day for a hike. Our goal today was to be a little more ambitious and climb Pemetic Mountain. It has some steep (for us) elevation rise at the start but the views are some of the most spectacular of those on Mount Desert Island. I think the views are even better than on Cadillac Mountain since you can see 360 degrees and see unobstructed to the south and west - views that are more restricted on Cadillac.

The best way to show you how nice the hike was is with pictures so here goes. The hike begins with a ride on the Island Explorer bus that takes us to Bubble Pond - seen below. Cadillac Mountain is to the left and Pemetic Mountain is to the right. This view alone is worth the trip

The trail head is a short walk to the right.

The trail begins and stays in the wonderful spruce and fir forest. The climb is rather inclined and continues strongly upward for a good ways. Here the Admiral is applying the "slow and steady" approach that has become our mantra for such climbs. We feel rather fortunate and blessed to be able to still make this trip at our age.

After about forty minutes we begin to see our first good vistas. We are looking east at Cadillac.

And here you can see Bubble Pond below.

A few more scramble spots are ahead.

This panorama is just before the summit. It is looking west across to Penobscot and Sargent Mountains. Simply marvelous.

And as you can see we have reached the summit. This is looking south.

The way we do the hike is from north to south. The reason is three fold. We think it is easier to climb the way we do going up, the views down the trail from the summit our looking out over a glorious panoramic view, and we end up at Jordan Pond for linner (lunch/dinner). Now what could be finer - I haven't a clue.  The remaining water view shots are all on the way down the south face.

Here in the photos below, the nearest water is Jordan Pond. Northeast Harbor is just over the land to the next water view.

This rock is located on the trail. It looks like the head of a grouper fish stranded on the side of the mountain - maybe it is and it's a giant fossil - maybe just an interesting rock deposited in the ice age or one that broke off above and rolled into place. Anyway, it is always fun to see it.

The trail ends up on the path that follows along Jordan Pond.

 There is a nice cove seen below.

Looking 180 degrees from the above photo is a beautiful stream that feeds into Jordan Pond.

And we have made it to Jordan Pond House. This is looking down the lawn were outside tables are located. 

And you can see that we scored a front row seat that was a two year dream come true.

That deserves a kiss does it not?

And what is the finish to a perfect day?  Why a famous Jordan Pond Popover sundae of course - yum!!!! 😎😎❤❤👍👍🍨🍨

So with the night now upon us and memories of a perfect day still dancing in our minds,
I will say ........

Good Night and May God Bless

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