
Wednesday, July 20, 2022

2022 Cruise Day 11 Northeast Harbor Wednesday July 20, 2022

Today was another fine day on Mount Desert Island and was another opportunity to hike in Acadia National Park. Our hike was the Carrying Trail that "connects" Jordan Pond and Eagle Lake to the north. It follows the lowest contours between the two mountain groups on either side. One can easily imagine that it follows a path that has been in use for many centuries. While only just shy of three miles, the trail has some wonderful vistas along two lakes and walking through beautiful woods.

We had to have a selfie with Jordan Pond as a wonderful background.

The Bubbles

The trail follows the east side of Jordan Pond. Looking across Jordan Pond to Penobscot Mountain.

Near the north end of Jordan Pond the Admiral, using her finely tuned sense of direction and map reading skills, leads us once again in the correct direction.

This tree looks to have fallen in the last several days. Fortunately it fell directly on the center support so there was minimal damage to the bridge.

Approaching Eagle Lake

What a glorious day. We have traveled this trail a number of times. But today is the first time we have gone in this direction. It adds a new perspective to an old favorite..

Our plan is go back into BBH for some lunch. Our bus ride drops us on the Village Green. I smiled at the game of Frisbee here. 

"If I were just three feet taller!!"

Main Street is busy again. And there are not even any cruise ships (thankfully) visiting.

Yup - If in Maine wear your Maine hat.

After lunch at the non-Maine coast inspired Paddy's Irish restaurant, and a delicious corned beef sandwich, we walked the shore path again. Today, in contrast to earlier in the week. the sky was clear and many were out and about.

And the perch rock is still there, And if you look close you can see one boy on top and another studying  how to get up there.

And then there were two!

An afternoon of peaceful lounging on the boat completed our day. Tomorrow the plan is to head west.

So Good Night and May God Bless

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