
Sunday, July 23, 2023

Day 3 & 4 July 22 & 23 Turkey Cove to Warren Island

The fog was forecast to stay entrenched for another day on Saturday. As you can see below this was a correct, if unwanted, prediction. But we were comfortable and warm with the diesel heater on for a while in the morning to take the damp and chill from inside the cabin. We played SKIP-BO. and Faye won the best out of three. I didn't conceive it was possible to seemingly get all the 12s and 11s in each of the games. Strangest games I ever played.

Sunday on the other hand proved to be the day we had been waiting for.

We retraced our path back to Port Clyde

Port Clyde is the summer home of Chief Justice Roberts.It is located on Hupper Island directly across from the mainland.

Marshall Lighthouse

Just beyond the light house is my favorite lone tree. Been there since the first time I saw it in the 70s.

 Whtiehead Island - the entrance to Muscle Ridge Channel.

At the north edge of the channel is Owls Head Light. You may recall from a blog post we drove here earlier in the summer.

Camden hills always look spectacular from the water on a sunny day.

Our destination was Warren Island, just north of Camden. An island that is a state park for camping. Can only be accessed by boat. It has moorings and is a beautiful place to walk.

And here is our stout little tree friend that is growing out of an old tree stump. Long time followers will recall we have for the last several years been checking on it to see if it had survived atop its less than ideal roost. We are hoping that it is working roots through the stump to solid ground.

A marvelous day on the water.

Good Night and May God Bless

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