
Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Day 6 July 25 Tuesday Holbrook Harbor to Buckle Island

Today's trip was a wonderful ride in the warm sun and cool breeze. We traveled about 22 nautical miles that took us down the Eggemoggin Reach - the long river like stretch on the map. As you can see we are within easy striking distance of Northeast Harbor on Mount Desert Island.

 Very handsome vintage style sailboat got underway just before we did.

After leaving Holbrook we rounded the south end of Cape Rosier.

Pumpkin Island light, no longer in service, is a beautiful beacon that still marks the west entrance to the Eggomoggin Reach.

 Immediately as you begin the Eggemoggin Reach you can see the Deer Isle Bridge.

Here we have gone past the east end of the Eggemoggin Reach and are crossing Jericho Bay.

This is Buckle harbor from Buckle Island. There is a very nice walk onlong the harborside of the island.

We soon find that the Alice in Wonderland door is still here.

And here is Admiral Faye as Alice - a natural don't you think?

And visiting the door on the return walk we find the Cheshire Cat has made his appearance.

Here is the southern end of the island.

There is a meadow that once was a homestead. 

And it had a well built privy that is still standing.

Another fine photo-op for PERLANDRA.

A most pleasant day and evening. So it is time to say .........

Good Night and May God Bless

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