Tuesday, June 14, 2022

2022 Season Start - May & June

 It has been a long time since last post. 

We survived the winter with the months of January and February being in a rental home in Venice Florida. Don't sigh too much, but it was not the summer exchange weather we had been hoping to find. It was sufficiently below expectations that we decided to try this coming winter at home in New Hampshire warmed by the wood fire.

But we did make it nicely through spring and launched the boat May 9. 

The weather while sunny was very windy. It was not until three day later in the week we did the car shuffle to take one car to Robinhood Marina in Maine prior to making the boat trip from Portsmouth to Georgetown. The Chief was still there and was mad that we didn't have Lauren and Gabrielle with us.

We diverted to see Portland Headlight on the way home. It was really to check on the seas to validate my plan to go the next day. You can see this is a stunning place to check the seas.

That is Ram Island Lighthouse in the middle of the photo - on the opposite side of the channel.

While this may look rough, notice that there are no whitecaps in the open ocean. A good sign for my plan.

Back at Great Bay Marina with promise of a good day to travel to Maine tomorrow.

And as you can see it was a good flat seas day - contrary to the marine forecast.

We are just over half way along as we pass Portland Light Buoy.

It was time for a new flag.

Approaching the beginning of the Sheepscot River - getting real close.

Passing Reid State Park

Nearly home - McMahan Island on the right

We are here - and some shots from walking around the marina.

The month of May was consumed with working on the house. I was tired of trying to patch in rotten trim boards to stay ahead of the birds that gnawed on them to get to the bugs that had made homes in much of the old wooden trim. I changed it all to PVC - gnaw on that all you want!! The job included replacing a good number of clapboards and then painting the whole house and garage. Here I am working on the last of the trim. Son Ryan rented a aerial lift for the highest spot that really helped speed the project and keep it safe. Notice my harness and safety rope. That roof is much steeper that it looks. After many days I am really ready to be done. 

One other reason for being home more than normal was that oldest granddaughter Madelaine graduated high school. It was a great day in late May and a sobering one as well. The time seems to have passed quickly but when one stops as recalls all that has taken place in 18 years you realize that a lot has taken place. Faye and I say that we are grateful for the things that come and passed our way over that time.. And May also had one more highlight - our 47th anniversary - and our thoughts back over that time  also makes us count our blessings that included the graduations of our own two boys - the circle of life for sure.

And now the ladders are put away for the night so it is time to say:

Good Night and May God Bless

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