Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Day 179 Clearwater sixth day Wednesday November 14. 2018

Day 179 Clearwater sixth day Wednesday November 14. 2018

Clouds and sun. No rain!! High in mid 80s. Nice Breeze

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Today was another fun in paradise type of day. The clouds built and then went away and then came back in mid afternoon - but as Sting says in a song "Heavy clouds but no rain."

We decided to go for a good walk. Our journey took us again toward the beach but the trek turned south. Our goal was to cross Clearwater inlet and visit the City park at Sand Key - just over the bridge.

Well as you can see we made it to the bridge.  The view is to the open water. This is where we had "come ashore" from our overnight vigil from Carabelle/Dog Island.

This reminded me that I wanted to tell you of a crossing story that didn't go as well as ours. There was a 60 foot boat in the marina a day after we arrived. They missed the weather window and the owner insisted to the hired Captain to cross. The Captain resisted but, failing to heed the adage of the water of "never be beholding to schedule," relented and pushed across. Faye met him in the laundry where he was washing his shorts. He told of eight foot seas on the port aft quarter that they fought all night. The boat was rolled so much that the side decks were at times underwater. That sounds like pure misery and one fearful night.

As you can see the sky is now nice and clear. It is about 11:00.

From the bridge you can see the City park to the left - our destination.

And here we are entering the park

A nice wetland before arriving at the beach. A sign warns of watching for lions, tigers and bears and gators, oh my. (notice we are back to the Wizard of Oz reference again - such a great movie)

The beaches here are equally wonderful.

Here we are on our way back toward the bridge. This is the inland side of the roadway. There are  beaches there as well - and you can drive on these.

Back on top of the bridge. Here we are looking to the mainland and downtown Clearwater.

And this shot proves to be very interesting. If you look to the left I captured the shore by the bridge. There is a closed building.

And here it is from on site. And why is this interesting? Well back when the boys were about 13 and 11 we did a week in Orlando at the Thanksgiving week (not sure my mother ever forgave me for that one - "What? You're not going to be here for Thanksgiving?") One day we came to Bush Gardens in Tampa. After leaving the park I wanted to see the coast. We drove to some where in the Clearwater area. For years I have been trying to find where it was. I have looked for restaurants hoping to jog my memory but to no avail. Walking back over the bridge we both began to say "This is the place we ate at!!" And based on a whole lot of clues we are sure this was the place. And as it is closed it is a good reason it never showed as a restaurant when I searched (and searched again) on Google. I know that you are likely saying "Why did you bore us with this paragraph?"  But I wanted to put it down for me to remember in my old age. (OK older age)

Further on the way back we noticed the cool shape of the this motel.

Remember the whale boat that I was glad I didn't need to go on? Well here is another.

And how could you refuse a one-eyed little pirate?

And our welcoming committee was still here when we returned early afternoon.

Tonight we will join the crew of Caeruleus on their boat for dinner. Having been competitive barbecue chefs we are expecting to eat way too much. Oh well some one has to do it, eh?

So while it is not dark yet I will say an early ............

Good Night and May God Bless

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