Beautiful sunny day. High in upper 70s. Moderate breeze
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Another nice day at Caladesi Island. It was again mild and the breeze was stronger today. We lounged aboard until lunchtime and went for our walk early afternoon. The marina was fairly active.
Our DAR scholarship recipient with the DAR placed history plaque
We started our walk with a visit to the beach.
As you can see it is a beautiful scene - notice that there are no condos in the background. It really is a nice taste of what 'Old Florida' looked like.
And we are back in the upland area on the wonderful nature trail. Here a panorama of the beautiful woods. What we read about and noticed, is that the woods had been burned in the recent past. The reason is the woods here need the burn to eliminate hardwoods that would take over without the burn. With the plethora of thunderstorms in Florida is easy to understand that fires would start naturally. It is strange to think about it being natural for forests to have undergrowth burn considering the very devastating fires in California.
This was interesting. As you can see there is a freshwater pond in the middle of the island. Seems almost impossible with all the saltwater and sand ground.
The palm forest is simply beautiful.
And we ended our walk back a remote section of beach where we just sat and took in the beauty and serenity of the scene. And the irony is we got a picture of Ryan and family out cutting down a Christmas Tree in white snow which was so strange as we were sitting with our feet in snow white sand.
And back through the mangrove pond to return to the boat - great fun.
And here is a weeble palm tree - it wobbled over but didn't completely fall down - a wonderful example of tenacity.
So we have finished a tasty barbecued steak dinner and watched the Detroit and Chicago Thanksgiving Day game - late but very fun- and the darkness has crept over the island. So it is time to say .....................
Good Night and May God Bless
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