Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Day 4 DEYC 2019 Cruise Belfast to Holbrook Harbor Tuesday July 16, 2019

Day 4 DEYC 2019 Cruise Belfast to Holbrook Harbor Tuesday July 16, 2019

For the third day in a row the night was mild and bright sun reappeared. The wind came up from the SW at 10kts  Easy travel day. Temperatures in the high 70s

Today was another fun time. The day dawned bright and with little wind. We biked to the Belfast park for our pickleball session. It was a great time. Like boating, pickleball folks are always welcoming of new folks and we had a great time.

If you remember yesterday's post I said that the photo with our helmet make us look like candidates for a Star Wars movie. My south friend (?) sent me a text and said I looked like R2D2. So I guess my chances of being in the next installment movie have dropped to less than zero - oh well.

Here we are leaving Belfast. Now that we have found a place to play pickleball while on the boat, the Admiral has elevated this harbor on the favorites list.

We only had a trip of about 7 miles to Holbrook Harbor. The wind was light and the seas calm. Here we are looking down the harbor entrance. The Camden hills are seen in the distance so you can see we have not traveled far over the last several days. Certainly not like most days on the Great Loop.

The  schooner Mary Day has just come in and dropped sails near our anchorage. Beautiful sight.

Here is the anchorage and many of the DEYC boats.

The schooners, called windjammers, of Maine are wonderful to see. They bring a real feeling of connection to the past.

Across from the anchorage is Holbrook Harbor. It has a wonderful dock for landing. Bob from Honey Dew waits to help more folks coming to the beach gathering.

It's a simple and fun picnic with shared appetizers. A great group. And the clouds have covered the sun to make it cool. Glad I brought my chamois shirt.

And the clouds have lifted some to make for a very nice sunset.

With the sun fully down it is time to say ...........

Good Night and May God Bless

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