Monday, July 22, 2024

Day 2 Indiantown Island to Warren Island.

It was a beautiful day to be alive and in particular to be alive and on the water!!

Our trip was about 60 miles, and while about six hours underway, the weather and sea condition could not have been any finer. It was a day I dream about while watching it snowing in the winter and loading more wood into the wood stove.

Because I was thrilled by the entire day I have posted a huge number of photos. I hope you don't mind but I did it for me to enjoy when I look back at this year's cruise. 

This photo is of rounding Burnt Island where you can first really see the Camden Hills in the distance. I never tire of that scene as it is a harbinger of wonderful things to come.

Approaching Whitehead Lighthouse and the beginning of Muscle Ridge Channel.

And the north end of Muscle Ridge and Owls Head Lighthouse.

And now headed toward Camden

We have arrived at Warren Island which we feel is one of the prettiest spots on the coast.

Here we are beginning our walk around the island.

 As you can see it is low tide that always adds to the majesty of the seascape.


While our walk was one of high joy, my heart was greatly sadden when I took in the scene below.  Long time readers may recall why this is such a sad scene.

If you compare the photo below, taken last year, to the one above you will see that the little tree that sprung from the stump of another tree has succumb to the clutches of last winter's storm that brought extreme storm surge to the coast. I had been looking forward to seeing my little tree each year since I noticed it a few years back.


Here is all that remains of my tree that I was so much looking forward to see beat the odds and survive. It was not meant to be.\

At least the remainder of the island was as beautiful as always.

And as you can see the beautiful moon returned again tonight to remind me that it is time to say......


Good Night and May God Bless

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