Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Day 81 Mackinac Island to Charlevoix Wednesday August 8, 2018

Day 81 Mackinac Island to Charlevoix Wednesday August 8, 2018

The clouds dominated again most of the day even though forecast was for partially sunny. Temps were cold this morning 52 degrees.  Winds 10 knots to start-and increase to 15 knots south westerly.

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 Click here to view map of our trip

We had 60 miles to run today so we wanted to get away early. The day dawned bright but clouds slid back over the sun soon after we departed.

This was another big day - both in distance and events. The distance was the longest we had run in a while and we officially entered Lake Michigan. The trek south begins. We are on our way Mike!.

It is around 6:30 and it feels chilly - a check of the weather on the phone and it confirms my suspicions. - 52 degrees - but promising to warm to mid 70s - well let's be quick about it shall we - please?

 I heard the low thumping of an approaching freighter and sure enough here it is. Believe this is an oil fired steam freighter - notice the water vapor - quite sure it is not smoke. From the very loud noise I was hearing I had to wonder what kind of a racket the crew in the engine room must be living with.
 This is the freight and ferry docks. I missed it, but I smiled when I saw a vehicle ferry with food supply trucks pull into the dock - guess there is a limit on the horse and buggy mode.

And we are on our way - two things to note the Mackinac Straits bridge and clouds waiting to devour the warming rays of the sun. Oh well it is calm.

Looking back to Lake Huron - good bye until the next time.

The run out onto Lake Michigan seems straight forward enough except you need to go west about 15 miles to Grays Reef passage before you find a hole in the foul shoals that extend out that far. But the lake is open at about 7 miles and the fetch of the 300 miles from the other end can create some horrific conditions. But not today. We had a light wind coming from the south and light wavelets on the water. I am sure glad for a good day to start south as it can be not much fun. And some folks have waited many days to move.

On the way we tried calling marinas to find a place to stay. Charlevoix was our preferred destination and we couldn't get into the City marina right in town, but found a place in the larger lake that is beyond the first small lake you reach coming from the lake.

We needed a good walk and we walked back to the town and to find some linner (lunch/dinner).
This is the inner lake (more like a pond) -
 and some of the very nice homes on it.

 The city marina did look full and it would have been a great place to be but the walk was great exercise - particularly remembering our over indulgence of yesterday.

 And here is the entrance inlet from the lake that leads you to the draw bridge below

The restaurant looking straight through the bridge is where we ate. Sandwiches and no dessert was much better than yesterday - only diet wise I am sad to say.

We started early so it is time to head for some shut eye I will say ..........

Good Night and May God Bless

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