Friday, August 14, 2020

Day 3 August Cruise Dix Island to Warren Island Friday August 14, 2020

The night was mild and the air was calm until day break - we closed the windows last night. The sun was out in the morning and was out all day. Temperatures mid-eighties - breeze from NW in the morning and calmed in the afternoon - a wonderful day to be on the water - it was again roasting back home in NH.

I woke up with the sound of wavelets playing on the hull. The wind had backed 180 degrees to come now from the north. We were sheltered by High Island.

The sun was bright all day.

Owls Head is always a wonderful sight

Looking over  Seven Hundred Acres and Warren Islands to Camden Hills

Some of the smaller cottages on Isleboro - no they are not hotels.

Approach to Warren Island entrance.

And as some of you may remember we were walking on Warren Island during our July trip - but it never gets old.

And we did something different from the previous island hikes - and no it is not the direction of the walk around the island. See if you can figure it out. I will give you the answer below.

Faye found a quarter on the trail .......

glued to a rock!!! Good sense of humor.

As you recall this is a State Park with wonderful campsites.

This whole area was blown down in the past - still working on regrowing trees.

Mrs Thomas Zilica - died 1841.

Almost back .......

.... to the harbor.

Did you figure it out?  Previous times we walked mostly on the shore - this time we walked up on the trail and shot photos through the trees. The perspectives are nicely different if I do say so myself.

And the reason that we came back to Warren Island, in addition to it being a real great place, was that friends Dan and Cindy from back home invited us to join them and long time friends Frank and Cindy who have a place on Islesboro Island. Dan saw from the blog map that we were at Dix Island night and asked if we wanted to join in them for a lobster dinner - humm let me think - Yes we do!

We took our dinghy over to the Isleboro ferry dock on Grindel Point. The view from the point was wonderful as you can see below.

And the view from Frank's front yard was also wonderful.

And look at those lobster. And I just noticed that this photo was staged to confuse even me. Why? Well from left to right is Frank, my Faye, Dan's Cindy, Frank's Cindy, and Dan - how's that for random posing?

And a wonderful ending to a wonderful visit - thanks to our hosts and back home friends.

So you can see that it is time to say ...................................

Good Night and May God Bless

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