Sunday, July 4, 2021

Day 6 Michigan Road Trip: Ludington Michigan

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Happy Fourth of July!!!!!!!! 

It was another wonderful day in Ludington. It was family get together day - as it should be.

The day started with a wonderful breakfast hosted by Jim and Justine's son Ian and his wonderful wife, turned chef for the morning, Jenny.

We have really enjoyed meeting the grandkids, Jacob, Mellie, Evan, and Avery. The boys are Sean's children and the girl's are Ian's.  We heard so much about them before hand and it has been marvelous spending time with them.

The day at the beach on Lake Hamlin was next on the agenda.

The Admirals

The game here is Beer Frisbee. Look closely and you will see a water bottle sitting on top of the PVC pipe. The objective is to throw the Frisbee at your opponents pole and knock the bottle into the water. You must hold a can of something in one hand while playing the game - hence the name. It was great fun. Reportedly the game was invented by Woody Harrelson.

After dinner with Jim and Justine at a very nice Italian restaurant in town, everyone regathered on Knights Kinship for a short ride out to the harbor entrance to watch the fireworks. The group photo shows the happy Captain, crew and passengers. I will not attempt to identify everyone as many are not even paired up correctly - but I will say it was wonderful to be with such a great group.

Here you can see the setting sun highlighting the entrance to the breakwater. We are anchored inside the breakwater and off the channel. There was a marvelous breeze that was blowing in the perfect direction to face the stern toward the fireworks.

Dave and wife Liz, at third grade teacher at an all black city school, Avery and Miss Faye.

A comfortable spot.

And the Badger was taking a fireworks cruise - seen here coming out the channel.

Miss Faye with Mellie and Avery. We showed them photos of our grandkids and they both were saying they hoped to meet them someday- we sure hope so as I know they will be great friends.

And you will note that Captain Jim has had his mouth shut by Captain Ron in order to stop him from digging a bigger hole for himself with Admiral Justine, and by extension, Admiral Faye. We have agreed that duct tape will be a standard first aid item that the Captains will always have at hand.

Jim and I are wearing the light halos that the grandkids made - how appropriate - now that we have duct tape handy.

The fireworks were great - we were as close as possible - the reports were seen and heard all in the same instant.

The perfect ending to a perfect Independence Day and so ................................

Good Night and May God Bless

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