Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Day 157 Leroy Al Mile 96 to Tensas River Tuesday October 23, 2018

Day 157 Leroy Al Mile 96 to Tensas River Tuesday October 23, 2018

Clouds moved in overnight and the low temps were in the 60s and highs about 70

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The trip today was about 56 miles to Tensas River. This set us up for a easy run into Mobile for Wednesday. Clouds kept the temperatures moderate overnight.

The landscape was more of the same - the river from Coffeeville is tidal and free flowing. The banks for the river are mostly sand so there are a lot of "beaches" on the inside of curves and cut into sand banks on the outside. This makes for a lot of fallen trees and you needed to watch the water ahead of you to avoid some that were sticking up to the surface.

And speaking of curves, as you can see from the charplotter there are some real twists and turns. It was very interesting to look through the trees to clear space 500 feet away and know that you needed to travel nearly a mile on the river to get there - but all part of the trip.

Near the end of the trip we began to see signs of life - no not wildlife - we did see one deer on a beach though.  But it was industrial not homes.

We arrived at a very nice anchorage on the Tensas River - one of many cross river near the mouth of the delta that shoot off in different directions.

Rafted again with Knights Kingdom we had a great dinner together that Faye made of steaks, new potatoes and fresh salad - love that refrigerator - works better than our one at home at keeping things fresh.

After dinner there was a hint of sun that promised to provide a nice day to travel to Mobile and the OCEAN!!!  Can you tell I am ready to be on real saltwater again?

I woke early morning and noticed a light coming in the window. "What is that? There shouldn't be any lights here! Is a tow headed our way?" Nope - just the full moon providing a wonderful scene on a still night.

And here is a shot with a tow going by - in the right direction. That made me feel but more relieved.

So you can see it is night time and certainly time to say  .................

Good Night and May God Bless

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