Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Day 73 Benjamin South Island to Bear Island in Bay of Islands Tuesday July 31, 2018

Day 73 Benjamin South Island to Bear Island in Bay of Islands Tuesday July 31, 2018

The day dawned bright with no breeze. A breeze late morning came up and made for a nice day.   Temperatures in the low 70s- again.

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Today we did a little more eastward travel. The Bay of Islands looked too good to not go and see.
It proved to be worth the ride. The bay is large like McGregor Bay. But this one has a buoyed channel so navigation is more sure. There is a natural loop among the islands and we are nearly at the easterly end of the loop.

The day was again glorious - clear skies and mild temperature and  nice breeze - can you say perfect day?

We left Benjamin Island and we had heard of a cruise ship coming to Little Current. And in the first shot I was saying "I don't remember an island there?"
 Well it wasn't - it was the Pearl Mist headed for Little Current. And on the Cruisers Net broadcast Roy Eaton was not there - Alice was sitting in - Roy was part the of welcoming committee for the cruise ships - yes there was already one there at the dock.
 The next photos are from our very nice ride through the Bay of Islands

The La Cloche Mountains formed wonderful back drop. The only thing that we were sad about is there are no good hiking trails in the mountains - and they seem to be begging to have some company.

 Approach to our anchorage. We are all by ourselves. As we are just off the channel, there are the occasional boats going somewhere to somewhere -and a few slow ones that are fishing - but they are just part of our scenic landscape.

 And here we are.

A few aerial shots would be nice. eh?

So as the sun is setting I will say......

Good Night and May God Bless

Monday, July 30, 2018

Day 72 Gore Bay to Benjamin South Island Monday July 30 2018

Day 72 Gore Bay to Benjamin South Island Monday July 30 2018

The day dawned bright with no breeze. A breeze late morning came up and made for a nice day.   Temperatures in the low 70s

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First off I would like to revert a little to last week when we traveled up Baie Fine. Eagle One took some photos of Perelandra which are really outstanding. You seldom get photos of your own boat underway and this is really a treat. And you couldn't stage the background any better if you wanted to, eh?

The day was wonderfully clear and calm. Eagle One must head west to drop off Kay and arrange for travel home for a family reunion (and lobster) and great fun. So they were off at 0700. Sorry to see them go. Funny to have them ahead of us as we were looking for them to catch up with us for so long. Off they go and look at that clear sky.

Faye and I decided to hike to the overlook that she and Kris and Kay did yesterday.
In the area around the bay they have constructed this very long boardwalk system. It was fun to walk as some of it goes over wetland areas. The even have some great overlooks.

Not sure if a better profile was intended, but it was fine walking over it.

The hike up to the overlook was sure worth it - trust from the photos below you agree
And for today's "i Spy" can you see our boat?

After our hike and a grocery store stop, we headed out and went Northeast to Benjamin South Island.
A very nice spot.

 And we had it all to ourselves - ah not really. As you can see from this angle we are sharing our spot with about 25 off our closest boating buddies. But it is a wonderful spot.

Dinner was left over chicken and rice casserole - yum.

And the light breeze enabled me to get the Mavic up for the photos below.

And I even had a sunset photo for you

So time to relax and let dinner settle so I will say .................

Good Night and May God Bless

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Day 71 Little Current to Gore Bay via Kagawong Sunday July 29, 2018

Day 71 Little Current to Gore Bay via Kagawong Sunday July 29, 2018

The day dawned bright but with a little breeze. The wind of yesterday was gone and made for a nice bay. A very pleasant day and I am still in shorts.  Temperatures in the low 70s

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We made plans to travel to Gore Bay with Eagle One and crew. We all wanted to stop at Kagawong to hike to Bridal Falls and see the Anglican Church that has a prow of a boat for a pulpit. To fit in the stop and still have time at Gore Bay, we slipped the lines at 0700. The day was bright, blue and calm. A wonderful ride to Kagawong had us arriving at just after nine - I remember looking up the start of the church service and it was 9:00 - and I recall we just missed the start of the service.

Andrew was the dock hand on duty today. He is a very nice young fellow - a fourth year law student. He advised over the radio the we could tie up on the outside of the town piers. The inside was where the marina slips had been configured. As it was flat calm it was fine.

The village is about as long as a good golf shot. The church is right at the town docks. As church was in service we hiked to the Bridal Falls first. It turned out to be worth the stop and the hike.

Here we are at the town docks. Notice the blue sky and the calm seas.
 This lighthouse is in the center of the village and still operates.
 Do you think this person in a local?
 The church
 Notice the door on the second floor
 The Bridal falls
 Rick and his malfunctioning camera.

 Ron and Faye, left Rick and Kris left with Kay in middle. We were attempting to get us and the falls in the picture. I guess one out of two is not bad.

 Notice the folks behind the falls.
 The church is right on the waterfront.
 Faye is checking out the Hymnal

The church is quite small to match the community.

 Here is a close up of the bow pulpit - boaters will get the pun - and sorry I couldn't resist.

I had seen photos of the boat pulpit but thought it had been constructed as part of the church.
No that is not the case. It is actually the bow of a pleasure vessel that went down in 1965 with the loss of two adults and two children. Here is the tragic story

After our very wonderful stop in Kagawong. We headed to Gore Bay.

I will add some photos tomorrow as Faye and I will walk around town, But Rick and I found the local museum. It was fun to see several stuffed eagles. Here Rick, commander of Eagle One , is standing with the stuffed eagles. Rick is on the right if you were wondering.

We had a great time at dinner at the Buoyed Restaurant  Local minstrel and school teacher, Peter, did a great job playing during dinner - we had great fun with him. But it was nearly night when we left. So it is now my bedtime. So I will say........

Good Night and May God Bless