Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Day 52 Beausoleil Island Cedar Springs landing 2nd day Tuesday July 10, 2018

Day 52 Beausoleil Island Cedar Springs landing 2nd day Tuesday July 10, 2018

Clear sky at night.  Nice and cool at night for fine sleeping. The breeze remained from the NW and breeze grew to gusty in the afternoon with temps in mid 70s - wonderful day- Again!!

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It was another fine day of hiking on Beausoleil Island. See hardly a cloud in the sky.

The attendant told us when the checked in yesterday that the northern end of the island was more rocky than the south end. She was right. It felt much more like hiking in the islands of Maine. There were even lighthouses to see.  We began the day by taking the dinghy about 3.5 miles to the northerly end of the island.

We hiked out to the lighthouse first. It was across the island and a little south. The lighthouse is out on an island. Can you spy it?

How about now?

 And time for a photo of the pair of wanderers.

 The lighthouse trail was much like the trails for the southern end of the island. In the trees and very relaxing.

 We then walked north and sure enough we encountered more rocks. Our hike took us to Fairy Pond. A pretty small pond. We found a rock to sit upon and have our lunch.

 It was also a great place to cool the feet.

Here is a description of the rock formations.

 Our walk back went by another bay that looked very nice.

 The trail back was named the Massasauga - after the Massasauga Rattlesnake the lives on the island. But we didn't see any. Hardly a chipmunk at all, hmmm I wonder why?

 And back at the dinghy we took the long way home via Little Dog (below photos) and Big Dog Channels.

 A fun ride.

Our spot on the dock from the water.
 And here is the end of the day from our spot in the world.

 So time to say .......

Good Night and May God Bless

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